Sunday, June 20, 2021

On Pyramids & Ziggurats

Smarter engineering than you might think

It is self evident that ancient structures were not conceived using modern codes of practice and that their designs were based on rules of thumb evolved from a process of trial and error, however there is perhaps some misunderstanding as to what this means in practise. 

It was not, as you might suppose, a process of edging successive designs slowly towards failure with fingers crossed; hoping to stop before you get there.

A rule of thumb, by its mere existence, presupposes the existence of mathematical relationships between objects. How else might proportions and limits be implemented. Furthermore, evidence suggests that trial and error was purposeful and based on underlying principles of logic. As we shall see ancient structures are more sophisticated than you might think.

Ziggurats were built in Mesopotamia on the great plain that lies between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in what is today part of Iraq. These two great rivers carry vast amounts of silt, often depositing it along the way in times of flood. This created thick deposits of alluvial soil, which are ideal for agriculture, but much less so for constructing large, heavy buildings.

This was not the only geological issue to be overcome. With the Mesopotamian plain being covered to depth with alluvial soil, there is little building stone from which to construct monumental structures.

For this reason Ziggurats were constructed of bricks, made of locally available mud baked in the sun. Sadly, without a protective stone skin, most surviving examples are heavily eroded. That said, on account of their exposed condition, those which remain provide us with clues about how they were constructed.

It would have quickly become apparent to the Mesopotamians that soft alluvial soils would undergo significant settlement when subjected to the weight of a ziggurat and their steep sided construction would have a tendency to spread at the base. 

Successive layers of construction would suggest that they paused and restarted the works on many occasions until the settlements and spreading eventually ceased. In this way the lower layers became layers of fill below a wide plinth or temenos, on which a great temple could be constructed.

This process is not unlike the modern technique of preloading soft ground with great berms of earth. The same technique has been used to improve sites adjacent to the River Clyde in Glasgow.

The Mesopotamians were not, however, satisfied with the pace of construction that this method afforded and they soon conceived another ingenious plan, which engineers today might consider modern.

After every eight or nine courses of brickwork they began to add a thin layer of sand containing matts of woven reeds and cables made of plant tissue. Together these innovations allowed the Mesopotamians to create a primitive form of reinforced earth not unlike that which is achieved today using geosynthetic grids and textiles.

The great weight of construction generates friction between the mud bricks and the reinforcement; clamping them together so that they cannot move relative to each other. This allows the tensile capacity of the reinforcing matts and cables, which is not possessed by the brickwork itself, to be mobilised such that the steep walls of the ziggurat are prevented from spreading laterally. If this were not clever enough the layers of sand in which the reinforcement was laid had two ingenious roles. Firstly, it would have helped to bed the bricks evenly onto the reed matts helping to ensure an even distribution of load and to prevent sharp or uneven edges from causing unwanted damage. Secondly, the sand would suck moisture from the mud-bricks and provide a route for it to escape. This leads to consolidation, increased density and greater strength.

The evidence is clear; Mesopotamian ziggurat builders were not simply stacking bricks until failure was reached. These innovations demonstrate a knowledge of complex engineering principles. 

The Pyramid’s of Egypt are built between the Libyan dessert and the western bank of the river Nile, as it flows towards its Mediterranean delta. On the face of it they appear to have much in common with Ziggurats. They are both large, heavy structures, with steep sides, constructed from masonry. They both impose massive loads at their base and are subject to lateral spreading forces.

This, however, is where the similarities end, because the great pyramid designer Imhotep came up with some rather different solutions. Perhaps the most obvious difference is that Imhotep, and those who followed him, adopted locally available limestone en lieu of mud bricks. It is a much stronger material, which requires a different treatment.

Perhaps the first thing to note is that a pyramid’s weight is not evenly distributed. The maximum pressure is exerted below its centre, reducing towards the edges. This means that a pyramid’s core and perimeter will settle differentially. 

We know that Imhotep understood this because he devised a clever method of preventing the rigid stone blocks from being fractured by said settlement. 

Pyramids are not solid structures. Examples investigated at Saqqarah, Meidum and Dahshur consist of a solid stone core laid at a steep angle, which is surrounded by independent concentric squares of masonry. The inner portion of each square, roughly 4/5, is of roughly cut stone laid in mortar while the final 1/5 is of dressed stone with smooth contact surfaces. The central core also has an outer facing of dressed zone.

Each independent square can slip relative to its neighbour, thus accommodating differential settlement. The efficacy of this process is enhanced by the smooth surface of the facing stones. 

Nevertheless, cutting and dressing smooth stone surfaces is difficult, time-consuming, expensive work, particularly using bronze age tools. It therefore made sense to minimise this type of work by using rough cut stone as the backing, although this does have consequences. While the dressed facing stones have good contact surfaces that distribute load evenly and provide a solid stable base, the rough cut stones have poor contact surfaces resulting in greater potential for consolidation and outward movement.

Imhotep would have known that the inclination of the dressed facing masonry had to be optimised so that it leans into the rough stone and contains its tendency to spread. It has been found that the angle adopted corresponds to the prime numbers 2, 7 & 11. 

These observations demonstrate that Imhotep, and those who followed, had a clear understanding of structural load paths and of building materials. Furthermore, what evidence we have for design by trial and error falls within this rational framework.

The Stepped Pyramid at Medium and the ‘Bent’ Pyramid at Dahshur are good examples.

The former has a strange shape, which archaeologist originally presumed to be the result of stolen facing stones. It is not clear why one would steal from the top and not the base;  engineering appears to provide a better explanation. While the construction follows Imhotep’s settlement mitigation strategy some of the stone has been found to be of poor quality. It’s friable nature caused a local collapse by creating the conditions for a slip plane to develop thus causing the loss of several structural layers due to spreading. 

Similarly, the so called bent pyramid clearly shows that the designer realised part way through the build that the angle of inclination was too steep and had to be reduced to maintain equilibrium and thereby prevent spreading. This demonstrates that he understood something was going wrong and then knew what to do about it.

It follows that for both the ziggurat’s of Mesopotamia and the pyramid’s of Egypt there is clear evidence of structural principles being understood and refined by purposeful trial and error and captured in rules of thumb with a basis in Maths. 

One might argue that they are good examples of qualitative design. They are certainly a reminder for modern engineers that complex sums are secondary to clear thinking about underlying load-paths and a practical knowledge of material.

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