Sunday, May 16, 2021

On Gothic Cathedrals [yet again]

Flying Buttresses 

The flying buttress is synonymous with gothic cathedrals. It moves their structural skeleton out with the building envelope and exposes it to view. It is probably for this reason that it is readily identifiable as one of the defining features of gothic design.

The name flying buttress is also interesting, because if they were invented today we might simply have called them props. The term flying buttress is, I think, a reflection of the history and development of masonry structures.

As we have learned in prior blog posts, early barrel vaulted roofs required thick heavy walls to resist the lateral thrusts, which result from the vaults’ tendency to spread under the influence of their own weight. It was possible to obviate the need for heavy wall construction by concentrating these thrusts using ribbed vaults. This meant that the outer walls need only be reinforced with localised buttresses.

This was all well and good if the church had only a nave, however if there were aisles either side, or additional cloisters, then in order to avoid being in the way the buttresses had to be moved farther away from the nave. This led directly to a requirement for masonry props to ‘fly’ from the nave, over the aisles, and onto external buttresses. 

The flying buttress must resist three different types of loading. In the first instance it must resist its own self weight. It does this by forming a relatively flat arch, just like a segmental arched bridge. The vertical weight of the arch is supported on one side by the nave and on the other by the buttress. The lateral arch thrust is resisted by pushing back against the nave vaulting and against the external buttress. The thrust produced by the nave vaulting is much larger than that produced by the self-weight of the arch and therefore both the nave and the external buttresses can readily accept this load.

Of course, the thrust produced by the nave vaults is the second form of loading to be resisted. Unlike the curved load-path from the self-weight of the flying buttresses this load-path is essentially applied in a straight line, which is probably why the top surface of many flying buttresses is linear and not curved like their soffit.

There are two ways in which the nave thrusts may cause the external buttresses to fail. Firstly, they might rotate about their base due to the thrust being applied at their head. This would be an overturning or toppling failure. Providing there is sufficient mass in the buttress to provide a restoring force overturning will not occur. This is primarily a question of geometry.

The second potential mode of failure is a line of shear extending from the flying buttress to the outside face of the external buttress. In this scenario the top of the buttress is simply pushed laterally relative to the masonry below. To prevent this from happening most buttresses have a large pinnacle, whose weight squashes the shear surfaces together in order to prevent a crack plane from forming. It is in effect the application of a pre-stress, much like that which was encountered in a prior post about gothic window tracery.

The final type of loading to be resisted is wind load. Most cathedrals have a large wooden roof located above the masonry vaults. Without flying buttresses to transfer load from the base of the roof into the external buttresses the wind would generate an unacceptable thrust at the head of the nave walls. There is also a view that the weight of large timber roofs would be too great for timber ties to prevent them from spreading and consequently the flying buttresses must provide a load-path for restraint to roof spreading as well as a route for transferring wind load.

It is the requirement to provide restraint to the timber roof, which is responsible for the presence of high level flying buttresses located above those which prop the nave vaults. 

Something else which is interesting about flying buttresses is how load is actually transferred into them. This is not a trivial question. It is perhaps a statement of the obvious to say that flying buttresses are located outside the nave, while the vaults are located inside. What is perhaps less obvious is how load transfers from one into the other.

The flying buttresses are actually located just above the level at which the vaults are sprung on the inside. This is done to help facilitate lateral load transfer.

The masonry walls and piers in a cathedral are not normally solid, as you might suppose, and neither are the vault conoids. They are generally formed of dressed stone either side of a rubble-mortar infill. Medieval masons did not trust the rubble infill to transfer the vault thrusts from the solid ribs and therefore they would include full depth ‘through-stones’ known as ‘tas de charge’ just above the level at which the vault ribs spring from the internal piers. This is reflected in the external level of the flying buttresses.

The tas de charge was generally located at the top of the pier capitals and below the point at which the transverse and diagonal ribs [assuming a quadripartite vault] run together. This section of masonry was formed from several courses of single stones. There are three advantages of using single stone courses.

The first advantage is that they are able to bind the piers together and stop the dressed facing stones separating from the mortar-rubble infill. Secondly, they enable the tas de charge to transfer load into the flying buttresses efficiently. Finally, these courses can be placed without formwork before the ribs are constructed.

From the necessity for pinnacles, to pre-compress the external buttresses, to the positioning of a tas de charge to ensure that vault thrusts are transferred effectively, it is clear that medieval masons understood exactly what the load paths were in a system of flying buttresses and that they had thought about the details carefully. It is also clear that though the concept of a flying buttress is relatively simple there is actually some relatively complex thinking required to execute that concept.

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