Monday, April 5, 2021

On Hennebique

Understanding an early patent system

In 1892 Francois Hennebique patented his eponymous ferro-cement system, which is today recognised as one of the earliest forms of reinforced concrete. It was used under licence in many countries, including the UK, where Mouchel was the local partner. The Hennebique system was conceived before the era of codified design, so its worth trying to understand its structural load-paths. 

To do this we must think of Hennebique’s creation, not as a beam, but as a truss made of composite materials. This may seem like an odd thing to do, but it is necessary to explain how stresses are distributed throughout the section. This approach also, as we shall see, highlights several weaknesses in Hennebique beams.

To make sense of this analogy we need to remember that concrete is strong in compression, but weak in tension. Conversely, wrought iron is equally strong in both. It follows that the key to visualising the load-path is see tension where there is iron and compression where it is absent. 

That said, before we look at the Hennebique system itself it is useful to remind ourselves of the alternatives that were available at the time.

The picture below shows a brick jack arch floor, which was conceived as a fire proof system, although given the exposure of the iron flange on the soffit it is more correctly described as non-combustible. The load paths for a jack arch floor are straightforward. The brick arch spans laterally and is supported on iron beams spanning into the page. There are tie rods evident so that arch spreading is contained and only vertical load is transferred by the brickwork.

An improvement on this design was to replace the brickwork by fully encasing the iron beams with concrete. In principle this would certainly improve the fire resistance of the floor and make it more durable. At least it would have if the concrete didn’t include breeze, which sometimes contained unburnt coke, and sulphates, which could form a mild acid in the presence of water.

This form of construction is known as filler joist construction. It was very common, particularly in the early twentieth century, and many examples remain today. The load path is essentially the same as for the jack arch, except the arch form must be imagined within the body of the concrete, because it would have been much simpler to create a flat soffit than a curve.

The filler joist floor therefore remains a rudimentary structure; there is no composite behaviour between the iron and concrete.

This relationship was changed when it was realised that an inverted T-shape would be more efficient because the concrete fill could resist the compressive stress to which the top iron flange had been subject. The bottom flange was still required to resist tension and the web transferred load between the two by resisting shear.


This was an important breakthrough, because the floor was now a composite system, which shared load between concrete and iron. At that time wrought iron was exceedingly expensive and therefore this was much more than an analytical curiosity.

Hennebique’s genius was to make two further steps; or perhaps two and half. Firstly, he replaced the bottom flange of the beam with round iron bars. These were easier to make than a T-beam and had a greater surface area than a single flange with which to bond with the concrete.


Secondly, he did away with the iron web, which transferred load between the top and bottom of the beam. To understand the way in which he did this it is helpful to look at other systems that were common at the time.

The next image shows a trussed girders taken from a carpentry manual written in the 1860’s. I have previously written a longer post about this topic, however the key issue in this instance is the way in which timber at the top of the section is used in compression and iron rods are used in tension. Short compression stools are used to transfer load between the two.


As can be seen in the following image Hennebique uses exactly the same load path for his concrete system. It is reasonably straightforward to see the tension elements, highlighted in red, however the compression parts, highlighted in blue, must be imagined within the body of the concrete, much as the compression arch is imagined within the filler joist system. I do not mean imagined in the sense that the load path does not really exist. Imagined only in the sense that not all of the concrete in the beam is contributing to the load path.

When Hennebique tested his system he found that though it was successful it did not work as well as it ought; diagonal cracks formed with increasing frequency towards the end of the beam. Such cracks are related to the interaction of shear and bending forces. From Hennebique’s writing I am not entirely sure that he fully understood this mechanism, though nevertheless he found an effective solution. That may be because he found it difficult to describe or I have found it difficult to follow his writing.


I think Hennibque believed that there were longitudinal shear forces parallel to the length of the beam, which were causing the failure he had observed in testing. He thought that by intercepting these longitudinal stresses with vertical stirrups of bent iron he could improve the strength of his beam. While such stresses do exist there are also vertical shear stresses, which means that Hennebique’s thinking, if this was what he thought, is incomplete.

Nevertheless, Hennebique’s solution did work and cracking was avoided, though perhaps not wholly for the reasons he thought. We can understand why by referring to the next image, which shows a modern understanding of shear transfer; again red represents tension and blue compression.

We can see in this example that the load path is a fully formed truss with the stirrups and iron bars resisting tension and the top chord and diagonals resisting compression. This modern understanding highlights one reason, beyond a lack of clarity in Hennebique’s writing, that I think Hennebique did not wholly understand the load path.

The case we have thus far examined has a single span with tension at the bottom and compression at the top, however if we were to add additional spans the relationship we have established reverses at the support, with tension at the top and compression at the bottom. In such circumstances we encounter a problem with Hennebique’s stirrups. At mid span they are hooked around the tension bars, but at the support they are open at the top and can be pulled clear. Thus, for multi-span beams the Hennebique system is less efficient than single spans. Had he fully grasped the load-path I am sure Hennebique would have corrected this. Perhaps, as shown above, his tests were all conducted on single spans.

Another shortfall of the Hennebique system is with the tension bars themselves. It will not have escaped the notice of readers with a keen eye that Hennebique’s tension bars have hooks at the end. These were, I am sure, intended to improve the transfer of load between the iron bars and the concrete. At face value this was a sensible measure, because at failure the bars were simply pulled through the concrete. This meant a premature bond failure before the iron had reached yield. This happened because, unlike modern bars, which are deformed to improve the bond, Hennebique’s bars had a smooth surface.

While seemingly a good idea the noted hooks did not really work, though we can forgive Hennebique for this, because the reason why is really rather complicated. In simple terms the bond on the bars must fail before the hooks can be mobilised. Why this happens is perhaps a subject for a different post.

Notwithstanding these shortfalls, which are made with the benefit of hindsight, Hennebique’s system was ultimately very successful and marks him out as a significant figure in the pantheon of structural engineering.

While it is true that Hennebique was not the only person to develop a patent system for reinforced concrete; his was perhaps the most successful. This was probably due to the licensing system he operated marking him out as a great businessman as well as a great engineer. 

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