Sunday, March 21, 2021

On Compressive Membranes

System behaviour in fire

Something that isn’t often appreciated is that when a building is designed to achieve a 90 minute fire rating it doesn’t mean the building is designed to remain standing for 90 minutes. This might seem odd, however if we were to pose the question what size of fire is to be resisted for 90 minutes, it is immediately obvious that there is complexity involved. 

In reality a 90 minute fire rating means that the fire resisting components in the building have been tested in a furnace against a standardised fire lasting for 90 minutes. This allows the relative behaviour of different materials to be tested, however it tells us absolutely nothing about how long a real building will survive subject to a real fire. 

This is in part because fire tests treat standardised components individually, however real components are not a standard size and they act as part of a system not as individual elements. If we are being really picky we might also argue that real fires are different to standardised furnace tests.

It follows that if the structural behaviour of a system subjected to fire can be understood then this can be harnesses en lieu of the rather crude prescriptive approach, which is normally applied.

The floors of many modern buildings are constructed by casting a thin slab of concrete on a corrugated metal deck. The concrete is reinforced using a light steel mesh and the metal deck spans between down-stand steel beams. Often metal studs are welded to the top of the steel beams and are embedded in the concrete. This is known as composite construction, because the steel and concrete act together.

To protect the steel from fire the prescriptive approach is to coat it with a fire resting coating, normally intumescent paint. Intumescent paint swells when it gets hot forming an insulating layer, which prevents the steel from over-heating. Without this insulation layer steel looses significant strength and stiffness at approximately 500 degrees.

If, however, the structural system is taken into account many of the beams may not require intumescent paint. This is beneficial because intumescent paint is expensive. 

In the example shown there are primary beams joining the columns together to form a series of identical bays with two secondary beams in each bay. If we were to suppose that the secondaries are unprotected then we can begin to think about the load-path in a hypothetical fire.

As the fire becomes increasingly hot the secondaries will also become hot and will start to loose strength and stiffness. Eventually they will have little residual capacity. When this happens the floor will begin to sag and instead of supporting the concrete floor the beams will hang from it due to the embedded studs. This process is likely to be accelerated by thermal expansion which causes the beams to buckle as they push against their supports.

Conversely the primary beams, located on the column lines, are protected and will remain unaffected by the ensuing fire. They continue to form a rigid frame around each structural bay. As the floor sags it begins to tug on the primary frame simultaneously pulling each side of the bay towards the middle. Much of this work is being done by the light reinforcing mesh embedded in the floor.

This effect causes a compressive ring to be set up in the concrete at the perimeter of each bay. This ring starts to resist the floor’s tugging and allows a point of equilibrium to be reached where the weight of the hanging floor is balanced by the compressive force in the concrete ring. Although the floor has displaced significantly it has not collapsed and has therefore maintained its integrity. The fact that it has displaced significantly is not materially important, as the sole aim is survival. After a major fire a building would not expect to survive completely unaffected.

This load-path means that some of the primary beams must carry additional load, which was previously supported by the unprotected secondaries. This is acceptable, because in the fire case it is permissible for the additional load to be absorbed by the their factor of safety.

It is also worth noting that the required load assumed for most buildings is in fact much greater than the load the floors will ever see. This means the actual factor of safety is normally higher than is assumed in the cold design.

This form of system behaviour is known as a compressive membrane and I have used it successfully to assess the fire resistance of buildings on several occasions. It is a more rational approach to fire safety than the rather arbitrary prescriptive approach, which has been used historically.

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