Sunday, September 27, 2020

On Stegosaurus

The original idea for this post was to show an animal’s skeletal structure and explain how it works. I have chosen to do this using a stegosaurus skeleton for two reasons. 

Firstly, this blog is going to be a bit speculative, because I don’t know anything about animals or their skeletons. In the event that a biologist or anatomist finds him or herself reading this blog there is a high probability I shall be politely informed that I don’t know anything. Based on this I figured that my best form of defence would be to choose an animal for which there are no living examples. This way I can argue that since there are no living examples what said animalist thinks they know is mere speculation. No-one can prove otherwise.

Secondly, stegosaurus is a dinosaur and dinosaurs are cool, every kid knows that. Of course I could have chosen T-rex or triceratops, but I think those are the obvious choices and I happen to like stegosaurus so that’s what I’ve chosen.  Here goes….

It seams to me that the spine of an animal, which supports its head and tail are analogous to a thin flexible truss; in fact a special type called a vierendeel truss. To explain this I am going to need to make a few assumptions. Self-evidently all animals walk, run, jump, climb and so forth. Okay, I don’t know whether the last two are true of Stegosaurs, but neither do you. See how effective that defence is? Anyway, movement gets a bit too complex for my stated aim of explaining how skeletal structures work. With that in mind I am going to assume, for the purposes of this blog post, that we have a stationary stegosaurus standing on all four legs.


Based on this the first observation we shall make concerns the legs. The fore-limbs, compared to the hind-limbs, are rarely small, however they are still stocky and have the appearance of being load bearing. The larger hind-limbs and pelvis are larger and would appear designed to carry greater load. This corresponds with the head and neck being rather small when compared to the size and bulk of the hind-quarters and tail.

The stegosaurus’ spine bridges between the two sets of legs and cantilevers beyond them at both ends in order to carry the neck and tail. To understand the structural implications of this arrangement we must first learn something about bending moments.

A bending moment is a turning force whose magnitude is the product of force (or weight) multiplied by the distance (known as the lever arm) to the nearest point of support. The greater the distance to a support; the greater the bending moment.

Consider if you will the following thought experiment. Supposing the stegosaurus’ fore-limbs were located at the end of its nose. I know that’s daft, but run with it. The distance between the nose and its legs is zero therefore no matter how heavy the nose the resulting bending moment is zero.

Now suppose the fore-limbs are located at the back of its head. The bending moment has increased from zero in proportion to the length of its head. I hope you can see where I am going with this. Now suppose the fore-limbs are back where they should be attached to the shoulders. The bending moment has now increased in proportion to the length of a stegosaurus neck and head.

If we were to portray the magnitude of the bending force graphically it would look like a triangle, being zero at the nose and increasing to a maximal point where the legs meet the shoulders. We could repeat the same process starting from the tail. The bending shape would be the same, though the height of the triangle would be bigger because the tail is longer and heavier.

We are now left with the bit in the middle, we need to join the two triangles together. Of course the  body of the stegosaur is somehow attached to the spine (I told you I am not an animalist). We’ll get back to that subject later, but for now we will simply note that the weight of the body must pull down on the spine. It follows that a line depicting the bending moment will join the two triangles, by sagging in middle. It might look a bit like the diagram below. 

The interesting bit; also the bit where I might start to get into trouble; is how the spine resists these bending forces.

The first thing we notice about a stegosaur spine is, like most spines, the odd shape of the vertebrae, which is distinguished by three parts, at least to my eye. There is the oval shaped portion located at the anterior. The lower part is of bone and the upper part has a hole where the spinal cord would be. 

The second feature is the piece of bone that projects vertically from the middle of the vertebra to form the posterior.  This is where the ligaments and muscles of the back are connected to the vertebrae.

The third feature is the two transverse projections; one either side of the vertebrae. These are where muscles and ligaments attach to the spine and are also the points from which the ribs are articulated. The fossil stegosaurus vertebrae pictured below is quite tall and for reasons that will become clear is postulated to be from the lower part of the back.

When the vertebrae are aligned in a row, as they would be to form a spine, they start to resemble a truss with a lower chord of bone and an upper chord of ligament and muscle. You have to imagine the muscle and ligament joining the vertical projections together, as self-evidently they haven’t been fossilised. The internal members of the truss are formed by the bone surrounding the spinal cord and the projection that extends from it. There are of course no diagonal members and that is why the resemblance is to a vierendeel truss.


For this information to be of use we now need to describe how a truss works. We shall begin by considering a beam, which is altogether a simpler and humbler form than the truss. 

If a beam spans between two supports, one at either side, it will deflect in the direction of the bending force to form a curve. As the beam deflects the outer edge of the curve is stretched and is evidently in tension. Conversely the inside edge is squashed and must be in tension. The centre of the beam, known as the neutral axis is neither in compression nor tension; it is at rest.

If we apply the same logic to a truss the outer chord of the truss carries a tensile force and the inner chord carries compression. The internal members of the truss transfer load between the outer and inner chords. 

In the case of our stegosaur based truss the ligaments and muscle at the posterior are ideal for carrying tension and the boney part at the anterior is ideal for resisting compression. This is remarkably good luck, because as nature would have it, the bending moments imparted by the tail and neck of the stegosaur, as shown in our earlier diagram, impart tension on the posterior side and compression on the anterior.

If that is not remarkable enough the depth of the vertebrae increase towards the hind limbs to match the increasing magnitude of the bending forces. Nature has actually fine tuned the size and shape of the vertebrae so that the resulting truss matches the shape of the bending forces to which they are subject.

Having made this observation it is tempting to end this post satisfied that our work is complete, but I am not quite ready to do that. There is one more thing that is just too interesting not to pass comment. I also noted earlier in the post that I would return to this subject.

It is not lost on me that the stegosaur spine has a very distinct curve, which given the apparent fine tuning of the vertebrae, cannot be without reason. Based on that it is, I think, worth a further speculation. 

It strikes me when looking at the bulk of a stegosaur’s body, how is that great big, heavy fleshy part of the animal supported from the spine. Presumably it somehow hangs? I imagine the animal’s flank muscles, perhaps reinforced by the ribcage, are responsible for transferring the load.

It then strikes me that an arch is a rather efficient way of supporting the load and transferring it to the legs. There is of course a potential issue with this load path. Arches generally have large abutments whose purpose is to resist the lateral thrusts generated at the base of an arch and thus prevent it from spreading. It is these same thrusts that make it so difficult to build a house of cards. Of course stegosaurus have no abutments.

There is a potential solution, which is to be found in the form of a bow string arch. Sometimes when there is no opportunity to provide bridge abutments the engineer will instead join the arch supports together with a tie member. This works by causing the two sides of the arch to pull against each other. Since the pull is equal and opposite equilibrium is maintained and the arch is prevented from spreading.

My final speculation is therefore that the stegosaurus’ sternum and chest muscles provide a tie, which form’s a bow string truss made of meat and bone.

Now I can finish the post and wait to be shot down by people that know what they’re talking about. I shall be lying in wait with my pre-prepared speculation defence.

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